Anointing the Goddess

It's a busy week. Spent tonight getting my collages ready for the Pig Barn Show. When I first started creating them, a friend told me my collages reminded her of bookcovers so I've been sending them out into the world with short descriptive stories ever since. Had to create tags for those tonight as well as price tags.

The theme of the show is "Anointing the Goddess" and if that means celebrating the feminine than I believe my three pug collages do just that. First, they are of the three female pugs that I have owned. Second, these pieces are about body image and celebrating one's body and one's ability to dance. Many people consider pugs ugly. I know, shocking, right?! I think they are beautiful. It was partially this and my own insecurities with my body and those nightmarish gym classes that led me to combine the pug imagery with these little ballerinas. The three can be viewed as a set or individually so I decided to offer them both ways at the show. They are entitled "Come Dance with Me," "Don't Be Shy," and "You Know the Song."