I began Waffles' sweater last night. Here it is still on the loom. I am at the point where I need to add the arm holes. Loom knitting is pretty easy. I know some people don't consider it "real knitting" but it sure is fun and quick and I should have Waffles' sweater finished by weekend's end. Then I'll begin on Alfie's.
If I have time this winter, I think I'll try my hand at crocheting. My sister-in-law Gretchin made my niece the prettiest purple hat. She learned by watching a YouTube video, but I don't think that will work for me. I'd love to crochet a hat for the pugs! I saw some neat ones online and it would be great for photographs. I once started a "bee" sweater for one of the pugs and think I may finish it and make another for Waffles. Then if I learned to crochet "bee" hats I'd be all set. I think I'll be a busy bee this winter.