My sister-in-law's blog Your Mom Is Strange is listed in the Blogs I Love page of this site and it is truly a site I enjoy. Not only does she post on the joys and challenges in being a new mom to one of the most beautiful and precocious children ever (my niece Ellie), but she also features her inspiring wonderful and inspiring designs. Lately, she has been offering these affordable digital prints.
Presently, she is asking for people to try printing out her digital files and report back so she can get a better feel for how they look, etc. and is running a give-a-way of sorts, offering free files to the first three people to comment on her site. I visited tonight and noticed no one had done so yet. So run on over to Your Mom is Strange and leave a comment, even if you don't make the top three, it's worth checking out the blog and the prints are available at her Etsy shop for $3.00. And, while your at it don't forget to check out the great pics and stories about Ellie, and oh, maybe this is about pugs, kinda. As I have mentioned, one of Ellie's favorite words is "Dog!"