Stella Rose Long also nominated me for The Versatile Blogger award. What another great thing to be known for. Stella Rose Long is a pug and she blogs about life with her human mommy and her siblings. When you are nominated for this award you have to do the following:
1. Nominate five fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
2. Let the nominated bloggers know they have been nominated for the award.
3. Share seven random facts about yourself.
4. Add the versatile picture to your post.
Five Fellow Bloggers:
1. Your Mom is Strange
Yes, I nominated her for The Addictive Blogger Award and yes, she is my sister-in-law, but this blog is not just about being a new Mommy. Gretchin is always exploring new topics and her take on things is definitely worth the read.
2. Grossly Negligent
I know Becky as a fellow member of the Hubbard Hall Writers' Project, but even if I didn't know her personally I would LOVE this blog. Talk about versatile she writes about everything from scoping out a guy at the local bookstore to book reviews to politics.
3. White Feather Farm
Mary Muncil writes about a variety of topics with a lot of wisdom thrown in. Not sure how new to blogging she is though.
4. Spinning Glass Studio
Although her topics may be focused on her craft, the jewelry she makes is both versatile and gorgeous.
5. Picking My Battles
Okay, I also nominated her for The Addictive Blogger Award, but this site is wonderful and versatile. You never know if the day's posting will be a piece of art, a cartoon or a wonderful new take on life in Vermont or living off the grid.
Seven Random Facts:
1. I own a Star Trek tricorder movie prop.
2. In second grade I won a spelling bee trophy.
3. The next year I lost because I couldn't decide whether to spell the word weather as whether.
4. I have four tattoos.
5. I usually bring deviled eggs to picnics.
6. My favorite song is "I Am I Said" by Neil Diamond.
7. I have never eaten lobster.