The Hubbard Hall Writers Project met again this afternoon, this time at Bedlam Farm. We had conversation over scones and fruit and bread and jam. The atmosphere was productive and creative. Then spent the evening with Jon Katz and Maria Wulf, eating Jon's roasted vegetables, sharing stories of dogs, art, music, our latest I-pad apps. As the night wore on the air cooled down and each of us took to our computer, laptop or iPad to blog, check our email etc. Jon put on a cd of Willy Nelson and U2 and Maria and I listened as I sketched this scene. It is their dog Frieda looking out at the view off the porch. The sheep bleated from the fields, the cats worked out a disagreement, the frogs croaked their song. I talked with Maria about the strangeness of drawing with the iPad and not being able to feel the texture of paper beneath me and the sense of a pen or brush as I drew the shapes. These tools help me know I am here, that I have left my mark. She shared how she likes to use her sewing machine, because she has to work with it to achieve what she wanted, there is a song and dance, and it slows her down and lulls her as she figures out the rhythm. I like the feel of brush and paper, but I am enjoying learning the rhythms of my iPad, the freedom that comes with not having to be perfect as I learn the program, the creativity that comes about from the challenges. It is the same with the Writers' Project, this blog, even showing dogs, it all seems a little foreign at first but as you work through the challenges, something happens and soon you find yourself dancing.
Please forgive me if this pic doesn't post correctly. I can't figure out how to turn it around so it is landscaped view. Will repost tomorrow if it isn't right.