More from Blogpaws

20130518-002444.jpg Another busy day at Blogpaws. Today I attended talks on growing my Facebook followers, writing ebooks, and using Pinterest. I met a writer and dog trainer from Brattleboro, Vt at an afternoon book signing. Her name is Debbie Jacobs and her book is A Guide to Living with and Training a Fearful Dog. She filled me in a little on what might be behind Alfie and Waffles behavior.

At lunch I sat with an animal communicator and healer. She says as an empath, she feels the pain in her body in the same places that the dog or pet experiences theirs. Her site is Sitting with us was a lawyer and mediator whose niche is conflicts involving animals. Her name is Debra A. Vey Voda-Hamilton and she also is in the process of writing a book. It seems a lot of people are.

I had the opportunity to meet Amy Shojai whose pet thriller Lost and Found I reviewed this winter. The day wound down with some great talks by animal rescues. I am learning a lot and getting some great ideas for the blog, but there is so much going on it leaves your head spinning. I've taken lots of pics but can't quite figure out this whole mobile Wordpress thing or how to upload so many pics from my Sony NEX camera to my iPad, so I will have to share those when I return home. Another full day of activities tomorrow and then I am off on Sunday afternoon to spend some time with my friend from college, Clare.

I spoke to my Mom tonight who is taking car of my pugs while I am gone. It seems that when she pulled up in my car, which she is using while I am gone, the pugs thought it was me and wee sitting in their place by the window waiting when I didn't appear Mom says they went crazy spinning around and looking for me. Tonight I spoke to them on the phone and I guess Waffles got so excited she wagged her tail, something she seldom does.

Just4MyPet, a personalized pet products company provided Blogpaws attendees with free collectible trading cards of their pets. I swung by their booth today and there were mine of Alfie. Personally, I think she was the prettiest dog on the table!

There's so much more to write about but I need to be up early. Keep tuning back in for more on my Blogpaws adventure!

Blogpaws 2013

20130517-000333.jpg Once Clare and I really did find our way to the elevator -- and remarkably it was there all along -- I had the serendipitous experience of meeting one of my oldest and most avid blog followers from back when I was putting my first nascent posts on Posterous -- Vinny the Pug or at least his voice, owner Allen Kimble. Unfortunately, poor Vinny passed away. But there was Allen in the elevator and as soon as I saw his name tag, I squealed, "Allen" and we ended up Giving each other a warm hug. It was nice to see a friendly face even if it was one I had never actually seen before.

"Do you two know each other?" My friend Clare asked and it was hard to explain. In this digital age what qualifies as knowing each other? I have worked for one publication since its origins and have only seen the editor once. Come to think of it that's the case for most of the publications for which I write. Tonight, people throughout the conference venue were exclaiming over celebrity pets they knew only through the web. I know that Vinny or Allen's comments on my blog had inspired a number of blog posts, that they were quiet inspiration in the early days to keep writing because at least someone out there was not only listening, but seemed to like what he heard, and that in turn, mourned Vinny's death. Certainly, Allen was a friend. We ended up talking later during the reception as he shared some of what he will be speaking on this Saturday, a marketing plan to sell Vinny the Pug merchandise and to make money to end the killing of healthy pets in the process.

After Allen and I bid each other goodnight to go network with others, I got to watch a demonstration of Sony's new action cam, which one can buy with a harness for your dog, allowing you to see the world from your dog's eye view. I practically placed an order on the spot--Alfie and Waffles need one one of those don't you think. The action cam is only the tip of the iceberg. I also got to see a dog GPS that not only allows you to track Fido should he get lost but also keep track of his daily exercise. I'm pretty sure I can monitor Alfie's exercise or ack thereof without it, but the GPS might be cool for my friend Joan's pugs who often like to wander away. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if it would work in her region of Vermont. the is supposed to be a coverage map online which I will have to check out. I have only spent a few hours at the conference and already have two huge bags of swag. I hear UPS will be on hand to ship things home. I've taken lots of pics but won't be able to post more until I get home.

Meanwhile, on the homefront, I understand that Waffles has taken the opportunity of my absence to sneak upstairs to the third floor bathroom, the one that isn't being renovated to explore the trash for sanitary napkins, wipees or baby diapers. She scored at least one of these! So I guess in our own way, we are each having fun -- now that I think about it, I guess the trash can probably seems like a giant swag bag to Waffles.

The Shining Part 2

This winter when I was sick I happened to catch a documentary about Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. The documentary addressed several theories regarding what the movie might really be about, many of which were conspiracy theories. One of them, for example, suggested that Kubrick faked the moon landing for NASA and then revealed clues about this in the movie. Another discussed how the architecture of the hotel in the movie didn't make sense with hallways leading where they shouldn't go. When my college friend Clare dropped me off at the hotel today where Blogpaws 13 is taking place I found myself remarking that the long, narrow winding halls reminded me of The Shining. I then proceeded to share with Clare the details of the documentary. at first I think she thought I was only rambling but when we tried to follow the receptionist's directions to the 15th floor only to find three Clare had to admit at the very least, this hotel's architecture was confusing. Next we circled the hallway passing the same white chair and discarded pair of tennis shoes several times, no longer able to find the lobby. We did find a hotel phone and called the lobby only to be directed to the same dead end. By this time Clare admitted that we may indeed have found ourselves inside that documentary. Soon we were giddy with laughter, no longer two middle-aged women, but as silly and clueless as we were when we first met as freshmen. I realized that this hotel might not have been my entrance into a horror movie, but it was my passage back in time. And, all this occurred only after an hour of Clare and I being together, just think of the trouble we can get into after a few days. Provided we ever find our way out of this hotel!

Off on an Adventure

Blogpaws I’m off on an adventure. This winter I was googling pet blogs when I stumbled upon an event called Blogpaws, a conference for pet bloggers. For someone who had launched her new blog only a couple of months before, it sounded like the perfect opportunity to learn more about blogging in general, connect and network with other pet bloggers, and participate in yet another dog-centric activity, one of my favorite things to do. To top it all off the event was in D.C. and I have an old college friend from Middlebury there, who I’ve wanted to visit for a while. I purchased my tickets on the spot.

Now the event is upon me and I leave tomorrow for my first ever Blogpaws. I understand that lots of other bloggers bring their dogs and cats  -- there is even a cat lounge – but unfortunately Waffles and Alfie have to stay at home. I couldn’t even  imagine bringing the puggies on an airplane. I don’t think they’ll be very happy with me gone. With all the doctors appointments and renovations going on at home as late, the poor pugs have had to tolerate a lot of crate time and have already expressed their desire for some R & R. I have promised them plenty of trips to the dog park this summer.

In the meantime, I am off on my adventure. I have decided to leave the computer at home, having already packed my suitcase and carry on to the max and with my tennis elbow acting up I don’t need any extra baggage! I will have my i-pad and will try to blog as much as possible, but from the schedule it looks like my days will be pretty well packed. I did download the new Wordpress App to make blogging from my tablet easier. I’m excited and a little nervous. I wasn’t sure what to pack – I understand some people are wearing jeans and teeshirts, but the videos I’ve seen show a lot of business wear. I tried to aim for something in between.  I’ve packed my new Pug & Pic business cards, which feature my blog banner on the back and some added surprises on the front. It seems to be the season for business cards. My friend, John Greenwood of Raining Iguanas, just wrote a blog post about receiving his new business cards the other day. Both John and I will be sharing readings from our blogs at the Creative Sparks reading at Hubbard Hall in Cambridge, NY on May 31st. But that’s a little down the road. I have to take my adventures one at a time.

Stay tuned for posts from Blogpaws…



Writing Prompt: Things of Beauty

SONY DSC Beauty is always there if you look for it. I walked into our torn up bathroom the other day. It was in a state of disarray with floorboards ripped up, fixtures displaced and a gaping hole where the bathtub used to be. Amidst the decaying floorboards was a brightly colored piece of linoleum. The color and design seemed to more closely resemble wallpaper or upholstery, but our handyman assured me that it was indeed linoleum. I wondered how long it had been there and who would have chosen such a pattern for the floor. Although strange, it was beautiful – the orange and red flowers and green leaves were the sole splashes of color left in the otherwise shredded room. It, along with a few original floorboards, were solitary survivors of history, holding stories they unfortunately could not spill. Ripped, molding, aged and covered for years, there was still something about this piece of flooring that seemed to be bursting with life. The orange flowers sprouted from amidst the green leaves and the gray floor mirroring the real flowers outside. There, the world was inverted, the gray sky opening up and reaching down to the welcoming tulips below with crystal drops of rain. The tulips lay open and vulnerable, their beauty fleeting. They would soon wither and die. The lonely linoleum would soon join the rest of the bathroom’s rubble in the trash heap. For a moment, however, both burst with color and life, begging for us to do the same.

Writing Prompt: Write about a time you found beauty in the unexpected.





The Upstairs Bathroom  

Where the Bathtub Sat

Sometimes the chaos on the inside becomes apparent on the outside. At least, that’s presently the case in my family’s life. We have known for the past six months or more that my mother needed knee replacement surgery. In fact, we learned last fall that she would first need cataract surgery in January followed by knee replacement in May. As I have written, my mother hates to be vulnerable in any way. A certain need to be in control at all costs has been ingrained in both my Mom and me. It’s not a desire to be the boss. It’s a desire to be healthy and strong in order to take care of those around us. There are lots of reasons for this belief, not least of which is the fact that our house, smack dab in the middle of town, functions in many ways as Grand Central Station. Add to that our big family with all the happy challenges and complications that brings, and there just isn’t time to be sick or out-of-commission. It has taken a concerted war effort to get Mom to the point of acceptance that her surgery needs to be done, but that hasn’t stopped a storm of anxiety from churning inside her and if I am to be honest, myself as well.

This last week the storm spun out of control. My mother wanted some minor renovations done to the house prior to surgery – some bars put up in the bathroom, a railing by the downstairs steps – or so she claims. I think this may have been Mom’s master plan to postpone surgery. Because no sooner had these minor renovations started than a major overhaul ensued.

“You’re not really planning major renovations to the bathroom three weeks before your surgery?” I asked, as my parents began to look at walk-in showers.

That’s exactly what they were planning. This became apparent as the handyman arrived, removing rotten floorboards, broken toilet flanges, and the like. Granted, the bathroom was sorely in need of a makeover. Turns out only a few floorboards were not rotted through and the bathtub was indeed ready to come through the kitchen ceiling. Yet, I still looked at my parents in wonder two days later when my mother expressed that she hadn’t thought it was going to take this long and my father had yet to order any of the appliances all of which supposedly would take four weeks to deliver. This is sort of par for the course in my family. And, as much as it drives me crazy – I’m left pondering are these people plain nuts, oblivious or mad geniuses – it always seems to work out for them in the end.

Today, we went to visit Mom’s surgeon for her pre-op appointment and he declared that there was no way Mom should have her surgery amidst this upheaval – see, you might conclude this her plan after all – but he also put our minds at ease saying she could postpone to July or even this fall if she’d like. Her knee would not deteriorate too much more in that time, although he acknowledged it is a horrible case. Still, being granted this small reprieve to get the house together and our minds around the situation was exhilarating. I think we both felt like prisoners being given a new lease on life.

The renovations to the bathroom aren’t the only stressful things going on at the moment. Both my father and I are also having some health issues, so it’s probably best not to put Mom under the knife until her support staff has received a clean bill of health. But I had to laugh as I stared at our gutted bathroom and the whirling mass of wood and rubble surrounding it, seeing it as a certain metaphor for the emotional havoc we have all been experiencing over the last six months. What is it they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men? They often go awry? I would agree with this, but I think, in this case, Mom’s plan came to fruition – she got a stay of execution. I am only left to wonder what brilliant tactic she will employ next time around.

Perhaps it’s just a series of delays. Two days into the project, we learned that the handyman was going on vacation for a week. “Did you know he was going to do this when he began?” I asked. “You realize that you were supposed to get your surgery next Friday and that there is no way he could have ever finished in time? Plus, is Dad ever going to order the appliances?” Mom simply stares at me nonplussed and seemingly innocent.

Then again maybe it’s not a cleverly manipulated scheme. Maybe it’s luck or as I mentioned, an outward manifestation of the anxiety we’ve all been feeling. Perhaps our bathroom’s disarray represents the chaos we’ve been experiencing and thus, now as we take a breath and calm ourselves, it will magically right itself – the renovation coming together in brisk order with sparkling new appliances standing as testament to the sparkling new knee joint to come. Perhaps each will emerge as we make ourselves ready for them.

Remnants of the Bathroom


Wood from the Bathroom


Scenes from the Montshire

View from the Tower The Montshire Museum has a tower. While an elevator takes you to the second floor of the museum, you have to climb several more flights to get to the top of the tower and see this wonderful view. It's not that high up, but when you've been on the go with a toddler all day, it seemed formidable.  When Christian was little, however, I climbed the tower with him so as tired as I was today I decided to go up with Ellie. It was worth the trip.

Looking Down on Mom

Here's another view, climbing up to the Tower. That's my Mom waving to us as we go up, up, up!

Mama and Ellie Make Bubbles


Gretchin Blows a Bubble


Gretchin claimed she wanted to bring Ellie to the Montshire because she loved it so much, but I think it was Gretchin who wanted to return. She spent more time than Ellie playing with the bubbles.

Ellie Plays with Spinning Disk


Ellie Eats Bubbles

Ellie loved the spinning disks and balls and eating the bubbles!

Pic Montshire 8

While the rest of the clan played at the various exhibits, I took some time out to photograph this great fish in the aquarium. I am absolutely positive that he was posing for me. He swam in place the whole time I was snapping photos, swimming away only when the shutter stopped clicking.





Mother's Day

  The front of my Mother's Day card from Ellie

It dawned on me today how exclusionary holidays can be. For example, Valentine’s Day can be heartbreaking for those who do not have a Valentine and what if you don’t have anyone to usher in the New Year? Consider Mother’s Day for the childless woman? Sometimes, it’s not easy. That was not the case for me today. I almost forgot I wasn’t technically a mother as my niece Ellie gave me a Mother’s Day card, my nephew Christian texted me, wishing me a Happy Day (in addition to being his aunt, I am his godmother) and I scanned Facebook, noting the numerous Mother’s Day wishes to the mamas of “furbabies.” Christian even told me to say “hi” to the little ones, meaning Alfie and Waffles.  It seems that people are making an effort nowadays to make everyone feel included.

Today, Ellie became infatuated with a balloon floating in Wal-mart, announcing a Clearance Sale. She wanted to see it so I reached up and grabbed the string, pulling it down so it was at her eye level. She pulled her little hands to her chest, hugging herself and said, “Oh, Bee,” in the most endearing voice. At that moment, my heart swelled and I felt like the most important person in the world, mother or not!

Ellie's Painting

Ellie, Go, Go, Go

Ellie in the Elevator The Montshire Museum of Science, a great hands-on museum for kids, is located a little over 30 miles from my home. We took my niece Ellie and her parents there last week and they said they’d love to return today for Mother’s Day. So, we took my mom out to lunch at a nearby Italian restaurant and then hit the Montshire. My 16-month old niece, who loves balls and balloons almost more than anything else on the planet, found herself in seventh heaven with all the gravity and spinning exhibits featuring balls, but I have to say her favorite activity seems to be riding the elevator up and down between the first and second floors. There is a small round window complete with a little footstool she can sit or stand on and look out. She especially loves it if one of us remains down below and she gets to look out the window and spy “Mommy, Daddy, Bee (me) or Nini (Nana). Today, she also seemed to enjoy lifting the arm of her stroller and climbing in and out. I joked that we could have saved money on our membership if we had just let her do this at home. She did not enjoy the little boy who kept hogging the inflatable beach ball in one of the exhibits. She didn’t understand why he kept hugging the ball instead of bouncing it and would periodically trot over him and pound the ball out of his hands, declaring “Bounce.”

One of Ellie’s favorite expressions is “go, go, go.” We certainly did that. It was a pretty tiring day and I had to laugh when my sister-in-law sent me a video of Ellie on her way home. She entitled the text “Ellie Relaxing After a Visit With Bee and Nini.” I sent her the photo below entitled “Auntie Bee After A Visit with Ellie.”

Video of Ellie After Visiting Bee and Nini


Bee Sleeping

One of the blog readers, Suzanne, answered my post from the other night inquiring as to what everyone was doing this weekend by saying she eventually hoped to curl up with her dog. That is exactly what I am doing now. Tomorrow is a day full of doctor’s appointments. We are going to see my mother’s surgeon to find out details about her upcoming knee replacement surgery and I am seeing a doctor regarding my recent bout of illness. I’m hoping to get a clean bill of health to go visit a friend in D.C. and attend Blogpaws 2013, a conference for pet bloggers. Right now, however, all I can think about is sleep!

Happy Mother’s Day to Everyone. I hope it was as full and happy as mine!