
Me with brown hair  

I was born a brunette. Actually, that’s not true. I was born bald and remained that way until I was three-years-old. Then, my mother claims, my hair grew in light. I was a toe-head, but by the time I was in second grade my hair was brown and remained that way through college. It was long and brown until I was 14 when my grandmother took me to get it cut and my first perm. After that I kept it short or curly or wavy until I graduated from college.

Again, that’s not entirely true. Just before going off to college my mom and I decided it would be exciting for me to try life as a blond, so we bought some at home hair stripper and dye. We tried the stripper, which did exactly what its name implied, stripped my hair of color and then we applied the color, summer blonde, which my mom had used in the past. It turned my hair a lovely, damaged, straw-broom orange, so we re-dyed it brown, but it was so damaged that we had to cut a lot of it off and it wouldn’t’ really style well, so I went off to start my freshman year shorn.

When I graduated college, I decided to get my hair frosted blonde. My mother, a natural blonde, had always been hailed for her beauty and I think I wanted to look like her. She also had short hair at the time, so I chose to cut mine as well. I found a pic of a short-feathered cut  a la Melanie Griffith when she was married to Don Johnson the second time around. I liked it and thus started my hair-dyeing journey.

Hair has always been an issue in my family. Dad never wanted Mom to cut her long hair, she didn’t listen, and I think I thus, saw controlling one’s hair as a sign of independence. I also found I simply liked change.  When my brother started dating his wife, Becky, she was in school to become a hairdresser and I was her happy guinea pug. She took my hair from blonde to plum to a black disaster and back to red again. I have thus been practically every color imaginable over the last twenty years and sometimes more than one color at once. When my niece Catherine would draw pictures of her family in school, she would often color my stick figure representation with rainbow colored hair.

I say I’ve been every color imaginable, but in reality I’ve been practically every color but brown. I tried to dye it back once or twice, but always hated it so much that it took only an hour or two before I went out and added some streaks or re-dyed it a different color all together.

The other day after Christmas I decided to go back to my roots, so to speak. I went to the hairdresser and asked her to dye my hair mocha with blonde tips. Actually, I think my color now is darker than my natural color, but not by much and who can really tell, because dyed hair, no matter how well done. is always more one-dimensional than natural, and, it has been years since I saw my real hair, but for now at least I’m a brunette again.

I’m not entirely sure I feel like me yet. For years I wore my hair a cherry red color that became almost signature and recently, I managed to stop dying my hair for enough years to grow it long and blonde, which I absolutely loved and felt right at home. But the itch to change came back and I cut it shorter and red, then cut it again so that I can grow it out and now, well, now its brown. As I was dyeing it, I read an article that says that men are more likely to pick up an object dropped by a blonde woman in a tight white tee shirt than a brunette, so maybe I made a big mistake, but so be it.

I’m sure there’s all sorts of psychological reasons besides those already mentioned for my hair-changing obsession, but this is what I know for sure. It’s fun, it’s an adventure and while it offers some surprise, it’s entirely within my control. It’s a way to shake things up, become a different person without a permanent commitment – it grows back, you can color it again. It’s cheaper than buying a ticket to Paris or moving to New York.  It’s a way to explore different facets of myself. It’s anything, but boring.

So in a way, getting back to my roots is a way of being a whole new me. And, I just noticed it’s even trendier than I first thought. My new color, dark brown with blonde tips, matches my dog. Waffles, like her father Puddlegum, has fawn undertones to her black coat. If you look close at her shoulders and rump, the tips of her dark fur look frosted blonde. We’ll look so cute together while out on the town, I’m sure the right pug-loving guy will stop to help us if we drop something on the sidewalk…

black pug fawn fur

Vader's Tree

Winter Tree with Nest I admit it, I've been pretty wiped out lately. I love Christmas, but with Christmas cards, parties, deadlines, scrapbooks, etc. etc. I seem to find myself sick by season's end. It has been hard to keep up with the blog. Almost all the writers I know define themselves as writers by saying they have to write. Problem is that's all I've been doing -- writing Christmas letters, writing articles, writing scrapbook captions, by the time I get to the blog I have a serious case of writer's block. Sometimes I know what I want to write about but my head is spinning and with this cold, it's just been plain stuffy. Plus, try writing something creative after you've worked all day mapping out an article on appraisers. So, I've posted Christmas cards and photos, waiting for my battery to recharge.

I've found sometimes that the best way to write an article that I am struggling with is to try doing something else. So, to re-energize I've been playing with my new Lensbaby lens. Friday, before the sore throat got too bad, I went outside and played in the snow with my nephew and his girlfriend taking pictures. I looked up at the tree in the front yard and saw this nest. I've been seeing a lot of nests this season and have even written about it here. Perhaps it's because the trees have been bare so long without snow, though there is plenty of snow now. I love nests. If you look at them closely, you can see the resourcefulness of their makers -- I have seen some garnished with plastic shopping bags and caution tape. The birds that make them are survivors, creating homes from sticks and straw, garbage and dirt. They speak of comfort, home, nurturing, and hard work.

This nest was in Vader's tree, the tree I look him to sit under before he died. Back then, in June, it was leafy and green, a wonderful canopy of life above our heads. The sun shone through the leaves, white, dazzling, beautiful. This tree is bare, the sun hidden behind the cold, blue winter sky. But there in what appears to be a blustery winter scene sits this nest, a testament to life. And, despite the cold and the stress, the deadlines and the writer's block, I rise up to embrace it.

It's Hard to Say Goodbye...

Red Bulb Christmas may be over, but it lingers in the air. Families gather and disperse, celebrate and return to their ordinary lives. My own family has convened to open presents three times over the last three days. A thick winter snow now falls to the ground. It looks and feels like Christmas. I am in no hurry to return to work. I want to snuggle under the blanket of snow, listen to the soft snores of my two pugs, relish the remaining moments of the year's final embrace. It is not easy to say goodbye to Christmas, we won't meet again until next year.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Candle burning on Christmas Tree I attended a Christmas tree lighting ceremony at a friend's house in Warren, Vt. tonight and risked life and limb in doing so. In all the years I have been traveling to visit my friend Joan, up near the Sugarbush ski area, I have never had trouble making it up her road, but tonight I skid all over the place, barely making it to the top. Joan, practically lives in Heaven.

After I recovered and we helped dig another friend out of the snow, Joan and I set off in her 4-wheel drive Tracker down the road to the Christmas tree lighting. The  passenger side of the Tracker is presently without a seatbelt and I never travel without a seatbelt but since we were only going a short distance, I conceded. Driving slowly down the hill, in 4-Wheel drive, Joan's vehicle suddenly spun out of control and we did a complete turn down the hill ended up in a ditch facing uphill. While we were spinning and I feared we would crash I matter-of-factly announced "I'm not wearing a seatbelt." We had to get a bunch of guys and a tractor to get us out.

We walked to our friend's house, had food and  hot wine and watched the tree lighting, which was admittedly peaceful. I still feared making it back to Joan's and then over the icy roads to my house, but I survived. Now off to bed, to sleep, to dream.


Me in the ShadowsI started this collage a few months ago, but today with winter upon us full force, I decided this would be an appropriate time to share it. It is not yet finished. For now, its working title is "Dark."

Laughing Poodle

Hitting the road early tomorrow to visit some friends for Christmas in Massachusetts, so not much time for blogging. I wanted to leave you all with this image of a Laughing Poodle I saw last weekend at the Christmas Revels. The poodle complete with ribbons in her hair made quite the scene. The friends I was was with wondered if dogs were really allowed in the building. I told them if they were dressed appropriately, why not?! This poodle was dressed to the nines! The Revels were magical, but so was this girl and I have to admit the smile on her face brought the biggest one to my own that evening. Smiling Poodle with red ribbons